Monday, August 22, 2011

#CHEAP Putman Style

Putman Style

Putman Style

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Putman Style Overview

Andree Putman was first cut above the rest when, twenty years ago, she conceived the first boutique hotel, the Morgan. She was also the one to open a new path for modern design, reinstating the importance of such major designers as Eileen Gray, Robert Mallet Stevens, Mariano Fortuny, and Jean-Michel Frank, among informed professionals. Since then, Putman s eclecticism has led her to embrace projects as diverse as the Guggenheim Museum, the Azzedine Alaia boutique and Peter Greenaway movie sets. Today, the designer s elegant and bold style is known throughout the world, from Los Angeles to Shanghai, a city where she created numerous projects.

Andree Putman Style is a journey into the world of an uncommon designer, one which acquaints the reader with the influences and taste that inspired this amazing woman.